10 Trendy painting patterns to rock up walls

Are you in search of a blog that provides ideas that give life to your boring walls plus which is much more than just advising about the list of popping color ideas? Painting walls is not just about pulling up the sleeves, taking a brush in hand and then getting to start in the painting job with a bucket of white paint in the other hand, painting is much more than this.
Whether the painting job is being conducted by a painting contractor or by you it is significant to know about the infinite painting pattern options present in the new era.
Even if you are not familiar with the paint patterns don’t let your heart sink just continue reading the post below to get acknowledged about the TOP 10 Painting Pattern Ideas.

1.      False brick/stone design
Stone designs on the walls, either it is of small pebbles or medium-sized bricks both give the walls a unique aesthetic feel when done with precision and care.
You may do this using either a sponge or stencil, as per your convenience or for a more convenient option you may consider hiring the ideal painting contractors in Dayboro to make the job much more easier for you. We have years of experience with the confidence to transform any boring space into an extraordinary one with your opinions.

2.      Stencil paint
Stencil paints are classy and trendy at the same time along with an inexpensive yet stylish option to choose for homes-walls.
You may find any stencil pattern at your near local hardware store or at any online shopping site.

Painting Contractors Dayboro

3.      Freehand strips
Strips on walls can be made using painters tape or hands, making the strips with hands make it appear to be irregular rough lines which are actually not a disaster that you might be thinking.
Freehand lines perhaps make creative illusions plus making the walls look taller and beautiful. Make sure to use a light color palette like light grey, peach, cream, off white, and grey-blue only.

4.      Sponge painting
If you are at a phase where you don’t feel to spend a great deal on painting your walls then it is best to add texture and feel by using Sponge.
Simply, dip the sponge in the paint and pat it on the walls, this gives a dramatic and subtle appearance to the place.

5.      High gloss painting
Add high gloss medium with the base paint color also, paint your preference pattern with the same medium mixed paint. This will add a rich and subtle texture to the walls making it look more attractive.
Using neutral colors or light shades works the best in high gloss paint.

6.      Watercolor pattern
 A watercolor design pattern completely changes the accent of a simple wall thereby causing plenty of conversations to arise. In simple words, this pattern transforms the walls into an art that is hard to avoid by any eye.
With professional painting contractors in Dayboro, you can get this pattern done effortlessly. With tremendous knowledge and heart core efforts, BJ Riley Painting helps people to achieve their desired painting styles and pattern that too at a fair price.

7.      Chalkboard paint
Chalkboard paint usually comes in black in color but is also available in fun color options, mostly depending on the paint manufacturer. The reason to choose the blackboard paint is, it is customizable and plays as a fun element in the house offering the kids and even the adults to paint and inscribe their feeling and thoughts whenever desired.

8.      Half bold color
Painting bold colors on the walls that too only half wall may sound a bit weird but actually turns out to be certainly amazing.
This look is not ideal for all the rooms in the house but can suit the outdoor spaces definitely such as the outdoor sitting area or hall room place.

9.      Chevron & Herringbone pattern
If you are looking for a pattern that can be achieved easily and yet looks distinctively classy then, go for the Herringbone & Chevron pattern.
It is not that hard like it sounds instead can be done by creating the herringbone or chevron patterns using painters tape.
As said earlier make the patterns using the tape, next, apply the paint on the walls. After the paint has dried effectively carefully remove the paint.

10.  Rainbow stripes
Rainbow strips create the right look for all the decors. Choose a section of your walls perhaps, small or large section it entirely depends on you, next, divide the area into seven even sections then finally paint the wall using the seven ultimate rainbow colors.

For more ideas, you may contact the best Painting Contractor in Dayboro, the BJ Riley Painting. And if you have any doubts related to the house or office painting then you may simply drop your queries in the comment section below and we’ll get back to you.
